Saturday, February 11, 2012

Photo-A-Day 3

9. I don't like my front door.  It needs to be painted.  And I can't find the picture I was going to post on my computer.  Too bad. 

 10. Self Portrait and 11. Makes You Happy
I'm rolling these into one.  Baby girl is not a snuggler, at all, what-so-ever.  She has pretty much been like this since she was about a month old.  Yesterday she got a brace to stretch her hip out.  Needless to say naps were a little uncomfortable today.  I try to be an optimist in all things- and the good thing about this brace- is Kara was so cuddly today!  She took close to 3 hours worth of naps on my chest = one happy momma. 

Please pray that Karalyn's hip will stretch out quick so she doesn't have to wear this brace for the estimated 3-6 months...

1 comment:

  1. poor little honey. is the hip brace miserable for her or does she do ok? why is she needing her hip stretched?
